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Obedience is the Key
Amazing Grace
I’m thinking about grace and using the traceables from my new Bible journaling booklet, Celebrating God’s Promises. Keeping the color light today, as the world seems so overwhelmingly heavy right now.
His Eye Is on the Sparrow
Celebrating God’s Promises
I am pleased to announce that my Bible journaling booklet, Celebrating God’s Promises, is now available now for Pre-order on Amazon! It is filled with traceables, stickers and vellums for you to cut-out, color and use as a springboard for your own devotional time in God’s Word.…/…/1640210067/ref=la_B07475TV9R_1_2…
(Release date is October 2, will be in some major craft stores in the fall, and others in early 2018)
Reminding Myself
As For Me and My House
Be Still
No Worries
Old Hymns
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